Botox Scottsdale AZ
Profile Aesthetics proudly offers neurotoxins Dysport®, Daxxify®, and Jeuveau®
What are neurotoxins?
Botulinum toxin injection is the most popular non-surgical aesthetic procedure worldwide. Botox® works by inducing muscle relaxation, reducing and slowing the signs of aging (lines and wrinkles) caused by facial expressions (frowning, squinting, smiling). Medical aesthetic injectors also use toxin for facial sculpting by injecting into the correct muscle groups.
Using only top-of-the-line neurotoxin brands, tested for safety by the FDA Each brand has the same active ingredient (BoNT-A) but have subtle differences that can help tailor to your treatment needs.
Facial Wrinkle Smoothing
Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. As people get older, their skin becomes thinner, drier, and less elastic, which means it is less able to protect itself from damage. This leads to wrinkles, creases, and lines on the skin. This can cause you to look stern, tired, or angry even when the underlying muscles are not moving.
Facial expressions, such as smiling, frowning, or squinting, lead to the development of fine lines and wrinkles at a young age. These lines deepen as the person gets older. When a person is young, their skin springs back. As they get older, the skin loses its flexibility, and it becomes more difficult for the skin to spring back, resulting in permanent grooves.
Botox® for Gummy Smile

Gummy Smile is when some people smile, their upper lip elevates far above their upper teeth, exposing the gums. In a perfect smile, the lip should sit just above the top of the teeth. Showing of the gums can be caused by several reasons. One of the causes is hyperactive muscles elevating the upper lip.
Occasionally, the gummy smile is also exacerbated by a thin upper lip that further contributes to the problem by exposing the upper gum even more. Fortunately, gummy smiles can be simply and effectively corrected by Botulinum Toxin injections to reduce the activity of the muscle that elevates the upper lip.
Botox® Lip Flip
The Botox lip flip is growing in popularity as a simple and effective way to enhance your lips without using fillers. Many people feel that their top lip is proportionally thinner than their bottom lip. This can become even more evident when smiling, as the top lip stretches and turns under.
The Botox lip flip causes the top lip to roll upwards ever so slightly. This has the effect of creating a fuller appearance, so you can smile with confidence. It has a knock-on benefit of reducing perioral wrinkles (including smokers’ lines).
Botox is used to relax muscles, which is why it’s so effective in reducing wrinkles which are caused by repeated facial expressions. In a lip flip treatment, minute amounts of Botox are injected into the orbicularis oris muscle, which controls your top lip. This makes the muscle relax a little and results in your top lip protruding fractionally more.
Nefertiti Neck Lift

Named after Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, the Nefertiti Neck Lift specifically targets the neck and jawline, using neurotoxins for a rejuvenating and lifting effect.
The term ‘jowling’ or ‘jowls’ refers to flesh along the lower jaw, where the skin has begun to sag downwards, often sinking further than the jawline itself. This sagging gives the appearance of loose skin on either side of the mouth and below the cheeks.
The Nefertiti Neck Lift is a popular procedure that redefines and contours the lines of the jaw and neck to give a more youthful appearance, without the need for surgery.
You can expect to see results in 7 – 14 days depending on the brand of neurotoxin used. Results will improve further until day 10 – 20 after the procedure.
Masseter Injections for Facial Slimming and TMJ Headaches

Masseter injections, jaw slimming, or facial slimming using muscle-relaxing injections is a minimally invasive procedure to produce a more feminine shape to the lower face.
The square-jawed look – which is highly desirable for men – is usually the result of overly-developed masseter muscles. These are the muscles attached to the angle of your jaw and they control your chewing.
People who tense these muscles or grind their teeth can find that they can become more pronounced, creating a wider, more masculine-appearing jawline. Injecting these muscles can reduce or eliminate bruxism (teeth grinding). Masseter injections also help relieve tension headaches caused by TMJ, as well as pain and stiffness in the jaw.
Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)
Excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis) can affect the underarms, palms, and soles of the feet of both men and women and can be an embarrassing problem that may force people to change their clothes frequently, limit their social life and work-life, and affect their confidence.
Most experts believe that primary hyperhidrosis is caused by problems with the sympathetic nervous system in that the brain mistakenly sends messages to stimulate the sweat glands (although there is no need to cool the body), hyperhidrosis can be induced by stress, heat, hormones, or because a family has a genetic disposition to it.
Botulinum toxin helps, treat hyperhidrosis by blocking the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulates the sweat glands.
Dimpled Chin
Dimpled chin, commonly referred to as the “cobble”, ‘golf ball’ or “orange peel” chin is highly characteristic with many patients seeking treatment to rid the chin of both wrinkles and dimples.
People seem to be more affected by dimples in their chins as they age. This is associated with the hyperactivity of the mentalis muscle. Functionally, this muscle serves us by elevating the bottom lip, causing a pout-like appearance (you may notice your dimpled chin in your “kissy face” selfies).
However, problems arise over time when excessive contraction gives rise to the golf ball presentation, highlighting deep-set wrinkles and fine lines.
Using neurotoxins to prevent contraction of the mentalis muscle in the chin, results in a brighter rejuvenated appearance.
Book Botox treatment in Scottsdale
Consultations are aimed to be relaxed and educational, empowering you to make informed decisions about your treatment options.
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